Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's not procrastination... it's having too much fun!

So it seems quite a bit obvious I've fallen behind on my blog. It's certainly not for lack of events, ideas or people to write about; for some reason, every time my fingers come back to the keyboard they've seemed to reach a blogger's block. But to prove I have far from given up on or forgotten about this web log, a few teasers for upcoming entries that will force me to remember to remember:

-graffiti in Napoli
-monster lemons in Sorrento
-the cruelest staircase ever in Positano
-ash preserved horrified bodies in Pompei
-conquering Vesuvius
-gorgeous, thunderstorming Amalfi, Casserta e Ravello

-Streetlight(s) in London
-rockabilly in Paris
-my newfound, certified ability to pour the "perfect pint" from Dublin
-pissing statues in Brussels
-compulsive liars in Amsterdam

I think I'm going to have quite a few hours dedicated to locking myself in a room with my iTunes open, warm fuzzy socks, and some tea.