Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Come January 9th, you won't find me in the US for quite some time.  I'm taking on a study abroad for 5(ish) months in the not-so-widely-known Viterbo, Italy.  It's about an hour away from Rome and Florence, or so I'm told, and the image of it that I have so far in my head is a less crime-filled, more Italian version of College Park.  

I probably subconsciously got the idea from other people who've done it, but the thought popped into my head to start a blog while I'm away.  For me, it'll act as a journal to track and remember where I've gone and what I've seen.  For you, it'll be a way to read about my travels and have a link to the Flickr account I'll probably set up right after this to store pictures.

This will probably be my only post from the North American continent, so stay tuned in a week or so for the first real story.  Viva Italia!

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