Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Sound Congested (to the tune of Vampire Weekend's "I Stand Corrected")

Tues 10 Feb 2009

My guess is it has something to do with the change in weather, or maybe it's the change in altitude, finally catching up to us. Or maybe it's an unnamed thing that exists, but since we're generally college students we don't bother to make a big thing of it and write it off without really discussing it.

Or maybe it's just a really big coincidence.

The runny noses, the phlegmy throats, the congested brains and sometimes the raspy blues-singer voices are the symptoms. Bring us a week into February and you can expect the American study abroad students will be sick. With Alyssa, she was sick on her birthday, 9 February, 2005, in Vienna. For Felicia, she was sick on her birthday, 6 February, 2009, in Viterbo. For about half of the rest of the USAC trip, it's not our birthdays, but it's February in Europe, and we've caught the illness.

It feels like just a bad cold, and as I'm writing this I'm pretty sure I've already passed the worst point (excuse me while I find some wood to knock on, just in case). But in Renaissance class today, as Professor Kittel went to turn up the heat to, as she put it, better circulate the germs in the disease-filled classroom, that confirmed it: we're all sick.

Sunday was my worst day. I felt it coming around Wednesday or Thursday with a throat that got increasingly more sore, but realized the Zicam had been left at home and I didn't have a runny nose, so whatever. By Friday I needed a few tissues but my throat had cleared up, so I figured whatever. Friday night we surprised a much-sicker-than-I Felicia for her birthday with index card birthday wishes, three cakes and more bottles of wine than I could tell you, followed up by a trip to Try because we just wanted to dance, the necessary end-of-the-night pane, and, what seems to be turning into tradition for me each weekend I stay in Viterbo, crashing on the couch in Felicia, Christine, Lauren and Hana's apartment. Saturday morning my nose wouldn't stop running, but I still had energy, so whatever.

Saturday morning brought the rain. Good thing I had sucked it up and bought the 8 euro umbrella from Ipercoop, but that's a life lesson only learned from first purchasing the 2.30 Euro umbrella and having it turn inside out and the little plastic legs breaking within five minutes of braving the rainstorm outside. So, with my slightly-better made umbrella, we faced the Saturday morning market for about 10 minutes before the downpour. Enough time to find two large-beaded, colorful, gaudy necklaces that match my shirt perfectly for Carnivale, but not enough time to find that cheap hat for bad hair days I've been hoping for. Perhaps another weekend. As we watched the stalls shut down we headed for Terranova (?), the cheapest clothing store I now know of in Viterbo. Came really, really close to buying a stylish, warm black corduroy jacket for 9.99 euro, but didn't. Still debating whether to go back and get it. At this point, needed some serious tissues, but figured it was just because of the rain, so whatever.

Got back to my apartment, cleansed in a scalding, much needed shower, went up to Hailey and sprained-footed hermit Jacky's apartment for movie watching. Feeling a headache coming on, my brain is telling me it's stuffed, I realize I need some serious Dayquil. Not so whatever anymore.

Head to the big Despar very close to apartment that I hadn't previously known existed. Now, good to know. Back to Hermit's apartment to bake some ziti and watch now-forgotten movie. Ziti was delish, guess movie wasn't good enough to be memorable.

Sunday, virus comes with a vengeance. As of right now, I officially have one tissue left in a previously full tissue box. Popped many Dayquil and Nyquil, dragged myself to mini-Despar in the walls to buy soup. And lots of sleep. My entire day.

Monday left me still feeling quite crappy, but I had it coming when I knew I was still sick but went to class anyway. Realized stress from dealing with Commons (housing) stuff back at home probably wasn't helping illness, but had to go work on it anyway. Besides, had to go to class, and had to attend vegetarian night at Christine's as one of only three Veggies on the trip.

At Ipercoop, picking up groceries for the week, was in the checkout line I saw it: Brooklyn gum. Was about to buy a pack or two (at least one for you, Dad) when the guy behind me dropped his bottles of Fanta (a tragedy, but quickly averted) and forgot. Can only hope they'll be there tomorrow. If I remember Ipercoop.

Today: runny nose doesn't quit, cough soothed by Ricola, congestion losing to Dayquil. All in all, much better than two days ago, and necessary, because departure for Venice (Carnivale!!!) is in exactly one hour less than two days. And, Commons-housing stuff is all worked out until at least 23 Feb, which makes me continue to believe my argument that home-stress was making me sick.

Tomorrow: Second cuisine class. Small dinner tonight so stomach has room to prepare.

Yesterday: Belated happy birthday to favorite, best sister in the whole world, no matter which continent she or I is on =)

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