Sunday, March 29, 2009

Interlaken fine: saying bye to sweet, sweet mountains and Baboo

We had really lucked out with weather Saturday. On Sunday, we woke up to clouds and threats of drizzling raindrops. Defeated, Justin gave up on his hope of heliskiing and decided to just leave after breakfast.

We woke up around 07:00 again, unnecessarily early for the circumstances since we weren't going back up to the mountain. But Alex and Justin were craving an American breakfast with scrambled eggs, and Justin had learned of the diner nearby the day before. They got their eggs and bacon, and I had my authentic muesli, straight from Switzerland.

There's not much to say about the rest of the day; we walked around and explored the rest of the town with our free time between check-out and when our train arrived to take us back to the airport. I'd like to forget the security at the airport, where the guard who may or may not have spoken English emptied out my entire bag looking for a shampoo bottle that, I had repeatedly pointed out, was in the plastic bag he had removed from my backpack as the very first item.

I already wasn't happy since my face was a giant burning tomato, but I let it go pretty quickly because I had just gone through a day of the best snowboarding of my life. That, and the waiting area for our Flybaboo plane was arranged with white (probably fake) leather chairs set up in circular positioning that definitely had some good feung shui. The flight had great food again, but between it being delayed an hour and the long train plus transfer, it was a long ride home. Still, while I crossed off "snowboarding in the Alps" from my life to-do list, I added another: snowboard Austria, Italy, France, Australia and Colorado. Also, get back to Interlaken for at least a straight week.

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