Monday, March 9, 2009

My first trip to an Italian castle (sort of)

domenica 8 marzo 2009

Last time Hana, Seul and I had missed the train from Rome that fatefully Sunday a few weeks ago, we decided to wait a half hour at Valle Aurelia, take the train to Bracciano, wait another hour and a half there and take the next train to Viterbo.

It was a few days before that when I found out Bracciano was the town in which Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got married in a giant castle. And it had a really huge lake. So what reason was there not to go?

So, Saturday, Hailey, Jacky Lauren and I took the train to Bracciano. Important learned facts of the day: It is, in fact, physically possible for my hair to air dry and not look completely terrible. Learned from waking up, going running, taking a shower, and getting a call that they were leaving to go catch the train in 15 minutes if I wanted to come, giving me 15 minutes to get dressed and make a PB&J for the tracks.

I think walking around all day put all of us in a really good mood. It wasn't too chilly, it was sunny and gorgeous outside, and the views from Bracciano, especially where the castle towers over everything and where you can go down to the lago are incredible.

We arrived in town about 14:00, while everyone was still having their pausa pronzo. The town was pretty quiet and deserted and the castle didn't open again until 15:00 anyway so we decided to walk down to the lago. We stopped through a small park with a tiny playground. I tried to go down the slide and discovered my bum was a bit too wide. A man with a tiny adorable australian dog walked by and told us the playground was for bambini. He laughed and shook his head and walked off, but came back to talk to us more a few minutes later. Like most other italians who realize we don't really speak italian, he asked us if we were english. We told him we were American. He asked us if we liked Bracciano, said Viterbo wasn't nearly as good, and told us we should stay the next day for the Festa della Donna. We loved Bracciano, wondered why everyone including some people who live here aren't big fans of Viterbo, and still have no idea what the Festa della Donna actually celebrates even though it supposedly took place in Viterbo today as well.

At any rate, the guy was really nice and gave Jacky some tiny yellow flowers that he said were for the Festa and then took a picture of the four of us on the bridge of the playground. I played with the puppy for a bit and we walked in separate directions.

We walked down to the lake. When I say down, I mean in a literal downward sloping direction. Meaning the entire walk back was intensely uphill, but it was worth it because the lago was gorgeous and there were ducks.

A hefty walk later we got back up to the top of the hill and back towards the castle. It was a bit of money to get in that I didn't really want to pay for and neither did Lauren, so we just stayed outside in the sun while Jacky and Hailey toured the castle. Maybe one day I'll go back and see the inside, because I do think that would be really cool. I don't think I've ever seen the inside of a castle before?

Lauren was hungry and got some pizza and we sat in the sun on a fountain in a square we'd passed earlier. I mooched some of her pizza bianca and we discussed who's family was more odd while small children with tricycles ran around and old men in hats sat on benches. After a while a younger, scruffy looking guy plopped a large bag down towards a railing on one side of the square. Believe it or not, he broke out a huge bag on balloon animal balloons. He made himself a balloon hat, put it on, and of course it attracted the kids in the square and they started going up to him. He made them all balloon animals and gave me some good ideas to add to my routine when I get back home. I didn't get a chance to talk to him, which is probably not a big deal because the odds that he spoke english anyway are pretty small. Besides, I have no idea what the words are for "balloon" or "animal" in Italian.

We walked around a bit and left soon after Hailey and Jacky got out of the castle. I, of course, fell asleep on the train home. Jacky, Hailey and I stopped at the big Despar on the way back to our apartments and I was disappointed by their serious lack of soy milk and Gatorade. Still, I found a small container of soy milk, a little Powerade (which I have now learned is wayyyy too sugary) and a pack of HappyDent gumma to make my teeth happy.

We made dinner and watched Eurotrip, which neither Hailey nor Jacky had seen before, and called it an early night.

I don't have much to say for myself for today. I was too lazy to get myself outside to go running or really do anything. Hailey and I planned out everything except one flight and two hostels for spring break though, so those plans are now pretty accomplished. Which is quite exciting. And I got an e-mail from my dad with info about when their flights to and from Italy will be, meaning they are officially visiting me after spring break. AND I woke up to a text message from Alyssa saying it's official, she's coming to Italy with Mom and Dad, which definitely made my morning.

Coming up this week: An international student day thing on Thursday, which means being observed in all Thursday classes and free food. And, leaving Friday morning for the Alps! Be prepared for a super-stoked entry following next weekend =).

Ci vediamo!

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