Wednesday, January 14, 2009

and i found the wifi and it was GOOD

Viva Viterbo! Which means, "go Viterbo!" and not "live Viterbo!" One of the many things I learned today in my first elemetary italiano class. As you can see, about five (even I lost count) posts just sprouted up out of nowhere in the last few minutes. The reason for that would be I am sitting in a small gravel and grass courtyard outside the library of the SMG campus of the universita, and it is wifi accessible! Internet cafes are still a no-go, but I'm working on that, and though my fingers started to freeze so I'm typing with those hole-covered red and black gloves I have, at least this is free.

I have to run to the post office with some other USAC kids in a minute so the police don't come and arrest us for not announcing our stay, but I just wanted to say huzzah! to the fact that the wifi here works. Also, I'll post for the rest of yesterday and my successful (yay!) phone buying later, but I just wanted to explain the three posts labeled for Tuesday the 13th. I wrote all of them the same day, but they explain three different days, hence the repetitive labels.

Ciao for now!

Love and internet,
Mi chiamo Amanda

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