Wednesday, January 14, 2009

orienteering in italia and phone troubles

Tues Jan 13 2009

I realize I wrote a LOT for Sunday, and past entries as well, so I'm trying (read: failing) to keep it short. I feel like it's possible even I won't want to go back and read all this later.

More orientation today. More coffee from adorable vending machines while-U-wait. On the north campus as AGR today, brought there by a crowded, contempt-filled busride (I think mostly from the italians). Realization that we are to the universita and Viterbo what kids from the international community thrown into the language house are to UMD and College Park.

AGR is right by the mall and the Ipercoop (think a slightly smaller Price Club). Went with Nick and Stefano, two of the other Maryland kids, for grocery shopping, where we saw at least half of the other kids from our group, and lunch and our first italian food court. For fast food, the cous cous salad thing I got was good. Also, the olives here are AMAZING. Much to be said for eating olives in the same country where they're grown. Same goes for wine, gelato, and pizza. Also, probably every other food/drink here.

Getting good at conveying that sono vegitariana and I need no carne. Worked at the cafeteria Monday, and again at the food court today. Tonight, I'm craving some gelato. But that's all vegetarian. If Sammy comes to italia, I highly recommend leaving the veganism at home. Now I get why Alyssa went into gelato-withdrawl when she got home from Wien.

I'm the last person in my group without a phone. Not thrilled about it, but I know the words for 15 euro and stesso studenti americano so I'm about 1/3 confident I'll be able to successfully get it today by myself. If that venture is successful, I might just work up enough confidence to shop solo on main street and find me some sweet italiano boots. It's gone from want to necessity: my feet are freezing every day in these Converse.

I'll probably break these into separate entries to make them a bit easier to read if I remember. Hopefully, I'll remember that and to edit them so they're at least a bit more interesting. Also hopeful that I didn't forget anything important.

Last hopefullity: that this will see the interwebz soon.

Ciao ciao!


  1. get yoself some boots, lady!
    <3 Jackie

  2. ha. i was excited about orienteering in italia and then i realized it was not orienteering as we have done before. *sad*
